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Peer tutoring at Ave Maria is offered by students who excel in particular subjects and receive faculty approval to tutor. Tutors are usually juniors, seniors, or graduate students, and they are trained by our staff. Each tutor is scheduled for several hours a week. No appointment is needed, and tutoring is free. Tutoring occurs on the first floor of Canizaro Library, and the schedules can be found at the link below. These schedules change periodically, so check back often. Please also refer to the Daily Updates posting for temporary changes to the tutoring schedule.

The schedule can be found here: Tutoring Schedule.

If you have any questions about tutoring, including how to use tutoring or request additional tutoring, please contact the Director of Tutoring at (239) 280-2553 or email alexander.crawford@avemaria.edu.


Writing, Humanities, Philosophy, Theology, Languages- Turn left after entering the library, walk past the computers, and continue past the reference desk. Tutors will have table signs with their subjects listed.

All other subjects- Walk down the central hallway to the left of the library front desk. The Tutoring Center is approximately halfway down the hallway and is on the right hand side, room #141. Tutors will have table signs with their subjects listed.

*Students completing online coursework may request tutoring on an as-needed basis for any undergraduate courses and for graduate courses, if tutors are available. Online students may attend tutoring on campus if they are near to campus, otherwise they may schedule an online tutoring appointment, which can be conducted by phone, email correspondence, or video chat (Skype or Google Hangouts).*

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