Introducing "The Pursuit of Wisdom" at AMU

A series of Catholic short courses presented by the faculty of Ave Maria University seeks to highlight the true, good and beautiful

In today’s fast-paced, information-driven world, we may feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of noise and data. Numbers, facts, opinions, websites, books … we can easily become burned out on the joy of learning. Ave Maria University has a solution: “The Pursuit of Wisdom,” a series of free online courses presented by the faculty of Ave Maria University that will provide practical wisdom and insights around important topics and themes to help Catholics lead a more inspired, meaningful and joyful life.

Here is the lineup of Ave Maria professors and the topics they address in this initial launch of short courses:

The short courses also can be accessed via the free “Pursuit of Wisdom” app, available to download on major podcasting platforms, such as the App Store, and coming soon on Google Play.

More courses will be available later this year.

“We’re inundated with information everywhere we go,” said Roger Nutt, provost and professor of theology at Ave Maria University. “God desires for our hearts and minds to be filled with wisdom, not information. Our hope with ‘The Pursuit of Wisdom’ short courses is to provide Catholics with edifying content that helps them to joyfully recognize the truth, beauty and goodness we all crave.”

For more information, please visit