Daniel Guernsey Ed.D.

Associate Professor of Education, Director of M.Ed. in Catholic Educational Leadership

Daniel Guernsey Ed.D.

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  • B.A. English, University of San Francisco
  • M.A. English, University of California, Berkeley
  • M.A. Education Administration and Supervision, California State University
  • Ed.D. Education, Eastern Michigan University.


Dr. Guernsey has more than 35 years experience in Catholic education. 16 of them as a Catholic school principal. For the last 24 years he has worked in various educational capacities with the Ave Maria programs founded by Tom Monaghan in Michigan and Florida. These include founding and running a highly successful Catholic classical K-12 school, serving as a college instructor, department chair, dean and president, and founding both undergraduate and graduate programs in education at Ave Maria University. For more than a decade Dr. Guernsey has also served as a senior fellow at the  Cardinal Newman Society, which promotes and defends faithful Catholic education. He helped develop both the CatholicCurriculum Standards (currently used by 1,235 schools and 36 dioceses) andCatholic identity evaluation protocols and systems for Catholic schools. He is board member of the National Association of Private Catholic and IndependentSchools. He is broadly networked nationally among organizations and leaders seeking to advance faithful Catholic education.


He currently teaches: EDUC501 Catholic Education, History, Philosophy, and Mission; EDUC 507 Catholic Leadership and Organizational Management; and EDUC 510 Internship

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Adoration: Eucharistic texts from Throughout Church History. (1998). Guernsey, D. Editor. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 249 pages. (Over15,000 copies sold.)



Leisure and Labor: Essays on the Liberal Arts in Catholic Higher Education. (2020). Coleman, A. Editor. Lexington Books. Lanham, MD. Chapter II.7 Assisting Teachers toTeach to the Transcendent.


Peer Reviewed

Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2016, November). Catholic Curriculum Standards. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA. Available at


Esolen, A., Guernsey, D., Robbins, J., & Ryan, K. (2016, October). After the fall: Catholic education beyond the-common core. A white paper published by Pioneer Institute and the American Principles Project. (Lead author).

Available at


Guernsey, D., &  Barott, J. (2008, June). Conflict in independent Catholic schools. In Catholic Education a Journal of Inquiry and Practice. Dayton, OH. Available at


Select Presented Papers


Guernsey, D. (2017, April). In the world but not of the world: How Catholic schools can thrive in a standards-based world. Paper presented at Symposium on Advancing the New Evangelization. Benedictine College, Atchison, KS.


Guernsey, D. (2016, November). Pope Francis and the vocation of teachers. Paper presented at Symposium on Pope Francis's Vision for the Renewal of the Church. Sponsored by The Franciscan Institute for Ecclesial Renewal and The Henkel's Family Foundation. Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH.


Guernsey, D., Robbins, J., & Ryan, K. (2016, October). Rendering unto Caesar: How common core undermines Catholic Education. Baylor University, Waco, TX.


Selected Published Policy, Resources and Research Through the Cardinal Newman Society


Guernsey, D. (2023, July). Newman guide education is so much more. Our Catholic Mission Magazine, The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2023, April). Guide for the Catholic Reader: Selected Reading List, Rubric, and Rationale for Catholic Education. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2023, April). The Call to Teach: Church Guidance for Catholic Teachers. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2023, April). The Call to Lead: Church Guidance for CatholicEducational Leaders. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2023, January). CatholicStudent Policies Protect Students, Educators. Our Catholic Mission Magazine,The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2022, October). How to promote Eucharistic devotion at your school. OurCatholic Mission Magazine, The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2022, August). Classic Literature Rises Above Agendas, Ideology. Our Catholic Mission Magazine, The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2021, January). MissionFit: Working with Nontraditional Families. Our Catholic Mission Magazine, The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. & staff. (2021,October). Policy Standards on Formation of the Human Person in Catholic School and College Sports. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2020, December). All Employees Matter in the Mission of Catholic Education. The Cardinal NewmanSociety, Manassas, VA. Available at


As Contributing Staff. (2020,December). Policy Standards on Human Sexuality in Catholic Education. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2020, December). NotAll Families Are a Good Fit for Catholic Schools. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


As Contributing Staff. (2020,October). Policy Standards on Secular Academic Materials and Programs inCatholic Education. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2020,October). Analysis of Advanced Placement Courses. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D.(2020, October). Analysis of The International Baccalaureate program. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D.(2020, October). Analysis of secular character development programs and materials. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Guernsey, D. (2017, October). Reflections on the Vatican’s Educating to fraternal humanism. Journal. Cardinal Newman Society.

Retrieved from


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D.(2017, March). Principles of Catholic Identity in Education: Board Reflection. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D.(2017, March). Principles of Catholic Identity in Education: Faculty and StaffIn-service. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Arthur, J., Donohue, D., Guernsey, D., and Reilly, P. (2017, March). Principles of Catholic Identity in Education: Questions for Reflection and Assessment. The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas,VA.

Available at


Arthur, J., Donohue, D., Guernsey, D., and Reilly, P. (2016, March). The Principles of Catholic Education. TheCardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Arthur, J., Donohue, D., Guernsey,D., and Reilly, P. (2016, March). Principles of Catholic Identity in Education: Church Documents on Education for Reflection The Cardinal Newman Society, Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2016, April). Human sexuality policies for Catholic schools. The Cardinal Newman Society. Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D.(2015, June). Faith and morals language in Catholic school teacher employment documents: Best practices brief. The Cardinal Newman Society. Manassas, VA.

Available at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2015, June). Faith and morals language in Catholic school teacher employment documents: A compilation from diocesan statements, handbooks, and contracts. The Cardinal Newman Society. Manassas, VA.

Available at Copy to all US Bishops and Superintendents)


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2015,May 27). Disconnect between common core’s literary approach and Catholic education’s pursuit of truth. Issue Bulletin, The Cardinal NewmanSociety.

Retrieved from


Selected Media Publications (among more than 27)


Guernsey, D. (2023, November 8). There Is No AI Shortcut to Real Education, The Catholic Thing.

Retrieved at


Guernsey, D. (2023, February 3). Gender confusion in Australia’s Catholic schools,  FirstThings (web exclusives).

Retrieved at


Guernsey, D. (2021, May 19). The remedy for “canceling” and division: Catholic education, The Catholic Thing.

Retrieved at


Guernsey, D. (2020, May 28). Distance learning makes the heart grow fonder, Crisis Magazine.

Retrieved at


Guernsey, D. (2020, January 1). Nutcracker not so sweet, CrisisMagazine.

Retrieved at


Guernsey, D. (2019, May 23). Why classical charter schools can’t replace Catholic education, CatholicNews and World Report.

Retrieved at


Donohue, D., & Guernsey, D. (2018, January 31). Choosing a Catholic school begins with mission. NationalCatholic Register.

Retrieved at


Guernsey, D. (2017, September 6). Removing Catholic school’s statues may be necessary. Catholic News Agency, Guest Column.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2016, June 2). Transgender teachers in Catholic schools? Crisis Magazine.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2016, April 27). Serving LGBT students in Catholic schools. Homiletic and Pastoral Review.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2015, November 25). Challenges and ambiguities at the World Congress on Education. Crisis Magazine.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2015, August 21). A look at San Francisco’s new teacher contract. Crisis Magazine.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2015, April 24). Gay activists target Marin Catholic high school in San Francisco. Crisis Magazine.

Available at:


Guernsey, D. (2013, October 23). Superior Catholic schools already exceed common core standards, CrisisMagazine.

Retrieved from


Selected Presentations(among more than 27)

Guernsey, D. (2024, March 15). The Call to Teach. Presentation to the faculty and staff of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA

Guernsey, D. (2023, October 27) The Principles of Catholic Education. Presentation to the faculty and staff of the Diocese of Steubenville, OH.

Guernsey, D. (2023, August 12) Increasing Eucharistic Encounters in Schools. Presentation to the faculty and staff of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. TX

Guernsey, D. (2021, October 10). Educating to Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Presentation to the faculty and staff of the Diocese of El Paso,TX.

Guernsey, D. (2021, August 4). Critical Race Theory and Catholic Schools. Presentation to Catholic Conference Leaders, Catholic Education Partners, Charlotte, NC

Guernsey,D. (2021, November). The Call to Lead: Catholic educational leadership. Presented at the Archdiocese of Miami Catechetical Conference, Miami, FL.  

Guernsey, D., & Donohue, D. (2018, May 4). The Catholic Curriculum Standards. Presentation at Midwest Region 6/7 NCEA Superintendents Meeting. Chicago, IL.

Guernsey D. (2018, April 5). Where your heart is there your synthesis will be. Presentation at the National Catholic Education Association National Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Guernsey, D., & Reilly, P. (2017, July). Revitalizing Catholic education and strengthening its competitive advantage. Presentation at the Napa Institute, Napa, CA. Audio link available at

Guernsey,D. (2017, September). Back to Essentials: Essential Mission and Essential Questions. Presented to all teachers and principals of the Diocese of Jolliet, Jolliet, Il.

Guernsey,D. (2017,  February). They way of beauty. Presented to all teachers and principals of the Diocese of Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.

Guernsey,D., Reilly, P., & Stravinskas, P. (2013, November). Concerns about the common core. Presentation to 19 bishops during a sponsored breakfast at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

Guernsey,D. (2013, November). An introduction to the common core; and English language arts areas of concern. Catholic Concerns about the Common Core: a national gathering for Catholic superintendents and school leaders. [Organizer andHost]. Elberton, NJ.

Selected Media Interviews Radio, Podcast and TV (among more than 35)


Bauerlein, M., & Guernsey, D. (2022, May 23). Distinctly Catholic Education, Podcast, First Things.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2021, August 21). Catholic schools and Cancel Culture. Interview by Father Robert McTeigue S.J., The Catholic Current, Station of the Cross Radio.

Retrieved from Episode with Links:


Guernsey, D. (2018,October 11). Synod on the Youth. Interview by Molly Smith. From the Median Radio.

Retrieved from

Guernsey, D. (2018, September 10). Should the Church be a Permissive Parent? Interview by Monsignor Pope. Morning Glory Radio.

Retrieved from 42:15 mark


Guernsey, D. (2017, July 31.) The Uniqueness of Catholic Education. Interview by A. Kresta. Kresta in the Afternoon [radio EWTN/WDOE]from Napa, CA.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2016, June 7). Transgendered teachers in Catholic schools. Interview by B. Mcgregor and K. Mcgregor. Kresta in the afternoon. [radio EWTN/WDOE] Ann Arbor, MI.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2016, April 28). The Federal Equality Act amendment to the Civil Rights Act. Interview by B. Patrick. EWTN News Nightly. [Television Cable News] Retrieved from Interview.[Begins at 2:40].


Guernsey, D. (2015, November 30). Highlights of the International Congress on Catholic Education. Interview  by B. Patrick EWTN News Nightly. [Television Cable News]. Retrieved from[Begins 19:40].


Guernsey, D. (2015, November 20). Catholic education: issues facing the international congress. Interview by J. Lewis. Vatican Insider [Radio- EWTN Radio] Rome, Italy.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2015, November 19). International congress onCatholic education. Interview by  Rome Reports. [Internet Television]. Rome, Italy.

Retrieved from


Guernsey, D. (2014, May 20). Common core vs. classical Catholic education. Interview by T. Tomeo. Catholic Connection. [radio- AveMaria Radio].

Retrieved from


Selected Honors

2023     CatholicEducation Hall of Fame Inductee, The Catholic Education Foundation, New York, NY

2018     St. Dominic’s Medal for outstanding contribution to Catholic education, Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist, Ann Arbor, MI

1988     Dean’s Medal as the outstanding senior in Arts, University of San Francisco, CA

1988     Campus Ministry Award for outstanding community service, University of San Francisco,CA

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