Thomas S. Monaghan


Faith, Friendship and Personal Growth

The Thomas S. Monaghan Founder’s Scholarship Program (FSP) at Ave Maria University embodies the principles of dynamic faith, avid learning, community orientation, and sacrificial leadership.

This prestigious program is designed for those who aspire to deepen their faith while excelling academically. As an FSP scholar, you will be immersed in a supportive community that values close-knit relationships and collective growth.  

A Journey of Development

By joining FSP, you commit to a journey of  development where faith, learning, and community are interwoven, preparing you to make meaningful impacts in the world guided by profound spiritual and moral foundations.

Core Values

1. Dynamic Faith
2. Avid Learning
3. Community Orientation
4. Sacrificial Leadership

What to Expect

In this program, participants read and discuss Scripture and other spiritual texts, attend Catholic formative events, and experience fellowship between students, their peers, and faculty. 

More than simply a scholarship, the program places students within a cohort of peers and provides opportunities for growth by introducing them to professors and staff leaders who will serve as mentors. Students will also participate in planned programs and activities that are meant to help them grow in their understanding and ability to live out and share the Catholic Faith in their daily lives.

Please note that applicants for the FSP must have already applied for admission to Ave Maria University.  If you are interested in applying for the Thomas S. Monaghan Founder’s Scholarship Program (FSP), please log in to complete the application form.  

Scholarship Expectations
One weekly meeting with your group to discuss required reading.
Attend 8-9 required Catholic formation events per semester. Participation in outreach programs.
Campus social events: come hang out with other students. Refreshments are free! These events are typically in the evening.