Asteria Tis Marias


As the women of Asteria tis Marias, we seek to imitate Mary by becoming her stars who illuminate the light of Christ to the whole world. Through her ten virtues—profound humility, blind obedience, ardent charity, constant mental prayer, universal mortification, heroic patience, divine purity, lively faith, angelic sweetness, and divine wisdom—she became the moon that reflects the radiance of the Son. Not only did she bear the light of her Son physically, but she also bore His light spiritually to the world through her virtues. As the stars of Mary, we endeavor to mirror the light of Christ like Our Lady. While the world may be full of darkness, we believe Christ has sent us into the world to bear the light of His love to those lost in the darkness.


Household leader:
Natalia Teeter
Contact information:
Our Mission:

Our covenant to Jesus and Mary through the 33 Days and Adoration each week. And Our Covenant to each other through our 10 virtues of Mary of Ardent Charity, Heroic Patience, Blind Obedience, Universal Mortification, Constant Mental Prayer, Surpassing Purity, Divine Wisdom, Angelic Sweetness and Lively Faith.

Our Patron Saints:

St. Joan of Arc

St. Louis de Montfort

St. Ignatius of Loyola

How you can join our household:

Doing the 33 Days to Morning Glory, and then having initiation night after the 33 Days is done. Celebration follows afterwards.